‘I’m still flabbergasted;’ Local shelter opens doors to severely injured animals, even when full

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SAINT PARIS, Champaign County — Animals being dumped or abandoned has been a nationwide problem all year.

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It has gotten to the point where most shelters turn animals away, except at His Hands Extended Sanctuary.

The sanctuary tirelessly works to save animals that show up injured.

The majority of these animals are going to need surgery. The animals they help often have broken bones, missing limbs, or need amputations.

“I was just like, how is this cat even surviving?” Dayton resident Jayme Resor said.

Resor found this cat hobbling in the street in pain.

“We assume it was a dog attack,” she said.

The cat’s leg is completely missing and only the bone can be seen.

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“I’m still flabbergasted by that,” she said.

Resor brought him to His Hands Extended Sanctuary, where Director and Owner Tonya Jordan said this brutal injury is something she sees daily.

“Blood and gore is pretty typical. We get a lot of that here because we’re the shelter that people contact when everybody else turns them away,” Jordan said.

Jordan doesn’t turn away the injured or sick.

While the cat Resor found is believed the be wild, Jordan said others in her care have been abandoned and then they get hurt.

“We find them hit on the road, they’re scared to death,” Jordan said.

“It’s just not right. It makes me so mad,” Resor said.

Like so many other shelters, Jordan’s is full.

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“This has been a horrible year with people abandoning surrendering dumping their animals,” Jordan said.

Jordan’s resources are spread thin.

“If you look at the sanctuary, books on paper or paper, we shouldn’t even be able to make it every month,” Jordan said.

She said when people see an animal in need, they should be like Resor.

“People that don’t walk by suffering, God bless them. We need more people with hearts like that,” Jordan said.

“My heart was very warm that I could help him. It kind of makes me tear up a little bit that he had to go through all of that but that I was able to save him and get him to help,” Resor said.