
Judge issues sentence for ex-Butler Twp. sergeant convicted of McDonald’s assault


VANDALIA — A now-retired Butler Township sergeant has learned his sentence following a conviction earlier this month.

Friday, former sergeant Todd Stanley was sentenced to two years of probation and 60 days of electronic home monitoring.

>> PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Former Butler Twp. sergeant found guilty of assaulting woman during arrest at McDonald’s

On Sept. 1, Stanley was found guilty of assaulting a woman during an arrest at a local McDonald’s earlier this year.

News Center 7′s Mike Campbell was in court Friday. The victim in this case, Laticka Hancock, was there and made a statement in front of the judge. She said she believed he deserved jail time, but didn’t ask the court for the maximum.

“I think he should do 30 days, 10 days for each punch,” Hancock said.

Stanley was also ordered Friday to attend mental health counseling, pay the victim’s medical bills that were directly connected to the assault, and pay an additional $500 fine.

News Center 7 was at Vandalia Municipal Court for Stanley’s bench trial. It was there that prosecutors and Stanley’s attorneys presented their cases. The defense even brought Stanley to the stand.

Ultimately, Judge James Brogan, a visiting judge, found the former sergeant guilty of a single misdemeanor assault charge.

>> PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Woman punched in face by Butler Twp. officer takes stand in his assault trial

As News Center 7 previously reported, Stanley responded to the fast-food chain on York Commons Blvd after employees called asking to get a woman, Hancock, trespassed from the building. She had gotten into a reported argument with an employee over cheese on a hamburger.

Officers said Hancock repeatedly ignored their request for her name and date of birth to properly fill out the trespass notice.

When Stanley went to get his trespass notice form, another officer told her she was being placed under arrest for failing to identify herself. The officers claimed Hancock resisted arrest and in the struggle to handcuff her, Stanley punched her two or three times in the head and face. Videos posted to social media provided another look at the punches being delivered.

Stanley was put on administrative leave after the incident. We learned in court Friday that the sergeant retired on May 1.