DAYTON — Judge Daniel Gehres, the longest-serving jurist on the Dayton Municipal Court, handed over his gavel in retirement Thursday afternoon to the man who will replace him - his son, Judge-Elect Franklin Gehres.
“Since this is the last court session I will be presiding over, the next time everyone stands up when I enter a room will be my funeral,” Judge Daniel Gehres said. said to highlight the Passing the Gavel ceremony in Courtroom 1B.
Judge Daniel Gehres was sworn in on Jan. 1, 1988, according to the Dayton Municipal Court.
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“Well, well, well, how the tables have turned,” Judge-Elect Franklin Gehres said, sending many in the courtroom gallery to laugh.
“In all seriousness, I am beyond humbled to be standing in front of such a gathering,” he said.