
LovelighT Circle gathers winter clothes for 11,000 child tornado survivors


Community members came together Friday morning to package coats, hats, scarves and gloves for the 11,000 children affected by the Dayton tornadoes.

LoveLighT Circle, a local organization formed in times of tragedy, collected 7,900 items as a part of the 'Gift of Warmth' campaign.

On Memorial day, 15 tornadoes touched down in the Dayton area.

Two months and eight days later, a gunman killed nine people in the Oregon District.

The friends and family of Logan Turner, a victim of the shooting, came together to help those in need.

"A group of friends of Logan's got together at his wake and discussed doing something to help show love and kindness in the world," Logan Turner's father said.

They created LoveLighT Circle.

LoveLighT Circle has partnered with Crayons for Classrooms, and now, with the help of Miami Valley Long Term Recovery Operations Group, gathered winter gear for some of the community’s youngest members.

"Logan was a great, great, human being and so we wanted to do something very positive. We just decided something good needs to come of this," Betsy Westhaver told News Center 7's Molly Koweek.

LovelighT Circle now has members throughout the United States and spanning 11 countries.