
Lower taxes, transgender ban in female sports, school funding bills to come to Ohio House

Sentenced: A South Florida doctor was sentenced to 20 years in prison for his role in a health-care fraud scheme. (DNY59/iStock)

COLUMBUS — The Ohio House of Republican Caucus announced their upcoming House priority bills for the 135th General Assembly.

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12 House bills were announced, sectioned into three overarching categories: growing our economy, protecting our families, and educating our communities.

Growing our Economy

  • House Bill 1 - Lower and flatten our taxes to ensure all Ohioans can keep more of their hard-earned dollars.
  • House Bill 2 - Invest in projects across the state to foster economic growth and community development.
  • House Bill 3 - Support affordable housing development to draw additional economic opportunity.
  • House Bill 4 - Ensure an open market with diversified investment portfolios.

Protecting our Families

  • House Bill 5 - Make adoption more accessible and affordable for loving Ohio families.
  • House Bill 6 - Protect the integrity of girls’ sports and make certain that biological males cannot compete in female-only athletics.
  • House Bill 7 - Provide a strong foundation for both mothers and babies in their first 1,000 days to address maternal and infant mortality.
  • House Bill 8 - Preserve the fundamental role that parents play in the education of their children.

Educating our Communities

  • House Bill 9 - Address the teacher retention crisis.
  • House Bill 10 - Secure commitment for the ‘Fair School Funding Plan’ that is based on the cost of providing a quality education.
  • House Bill 11 - Create a child-first model for education, allowing students to have their educational funding follow them to the school that best suits their needs.
  • House Bill 12 - Recalibrate the State’s approach to education to serve Ohio’s students better for career readiness.

While many of the bills were described in optimistic language of what they could potentially accomplish for the Republican party, none of the bills specifics were released. As a result, it is still unknown whether these bills will cost the public or if they will logistically yield the proposed benefit.