Miami Twp. mother says dog attack on daughter ‘worst day’ of her life

MIAMI TWP., Montgomery County — The 8-year-old girl attacked by a dog at a Miami Twp. mobile home park is out of the hospital today, recovering from a skull fracture and about a dozen wounds on her head.

Savannah Coleman, of Miami Twp., was taken to Dayton Children’s Hospital after the dog attack at the Oakwood Village Mobile Home Park off Wood Road late last month.

A neighbor pulled a pit bull off the girl as it attacked her.

“He was choking the dog,” Coleman said, referring to the neighbor’s actions to save her from the attack.

Coleman’s mother, Tierney Dumont, brought the 8-year-old to the Miami Valley Fire District to thank the medics who tended to her injuries, however the crew who assisted her was not on duty.  Dumont and Coleman hope to visit the crew soon to thank them.

“It was the worst day of my life, you just don’t expect to send your daughter a couple houses down and have that happen to her,” Dumont said.  “You see those things on the news, you never expect it to be you and when it is, it’s horrifying.”

The 60-pound dog that attacked Coleman last Saturday night at a Miami Twp. mobile home park was obtained by its owner less than a month ago, records show.

After last month’s attack, the dog — which it’s owner surrendered to the Animal Resource Center that night — was quarantined, and it will be euthanized, officials said.