
Montgomery County kitten recovering after getting shot with BB gun

MONTGOMERY COUNTY — A 13-week-old kitten is recovering at his home in Drexel, after an amputation.

“We all have battle wounds. and they only make us stronger,” Adrienne Allen said.

She explained, Jasper went missing for four days. When she found him, she knew he was hurt. A vet confirmed, someone shot him with a with a BB gun and they needed to amputate.

“The person who did this took his childhood away from him,” Allen said.

Then she had to explain the situation to her 3-year-old son.

“He looked up at me and he had tears in his eyes and he said ‘my Jasper’s broken.’ And I lost it. I lost I just bawled,” Allen said. “I said ‘no baby. Jasper’s not broken. He’s special now.’”

Allen explained, she treats her pets like family.

“He’s more than just a cat to us,” Allen said. “When it comes to family, you don’t give up on family.”

Jasper has already racked up about $1,000 of medical expenses. That’s money Allen said she did not have. She found someone to pay the bill so Jasper could get the amputation, but will have to pay the money back.

Follow along with Jasper’s story on a blog Allen set up.

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