DAYTON — A new Italian restaurant is now open at the Dayton Arcade.
>>PHOTOS: New Italian restaurant now open at Dayton Arcade
Est! Est!! Est!!! serves authentic made from scratch Italian food and pizza.
A ribbon cutting was held at the restaurant Wednesday morning. Dayton Mayor Jeffrey Mims, Junior was there.
The restaurant’s name comes from an old Italian story of a German bishop who sent his servant to state the wines along his route of travel, leaving messages on the walls of inns and taverns.
“Est” meant the wine was good while “non-Est” meant it was bad.
“When he got to the better wine, the better food, he put, ‘Est, Est’” said Joseph Correll, restaurant owner. “And then finally they came to the Piedmont region of Italy, and they were squall in the walls, ‘Est, Est, Est.’ The archbishop was supposed to know that was the best food in all of Italy.”
The restaurant is only open for reservations this week.
It will be open to the public next week.