
Northern Lights visible for 2nd time this year across Miami Valley

Northern Lights visible across Miami Valley Photo from: Rebecca Gulley/Lewisburg (iWitness7 Viewer)
(iWitness7 Viewer)

MIAMI VALLEY — Did you see the purple lights across the sky late Sunday night?

>>PHOTOS: Northern Lights visible for 2nd time this year across Miami Valley

As reported Sunday on News Center 7 at 11, the Northern Lights could be seen across the Miami Valley for the second time in 2024.

Several iWitness 7 viewers sent photos showing the Northern Lights from across the area.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Space Weather Prediction Center said in a weekend space weather forecast that solar material that erupted from some overactive sunspots and was expected to be visible both Saturday morning and Sunday night, according to Forbes magazine.

Viewers sent in photos from Clark, Darke, Preble, and Shelby counties.

>>PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Ohioans see northern lights Friday night due to rare solar event

As News Center 7 reported back in May, Ohioans also saw the Northern Lights back after NOAA warned about a severe geometric storm.

It was the strongest such storm since 2005.

If you have any Northern Lights photos from Sunday, please share them with us here.