
‘Dark day for our country;’ Ohio Planned Parenthood leaders react to overturn of Roe v. Wade

Friday the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade after nearly 50 years.

In Ohio, abortion is still legal.

>>Ohio Right to Life: “we joyfully celebrate the announcement from the Supreme Court.”

In a statement from Iris Harvey, CEO and President of Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio, she calls the decisions “dangerous and chilling.”

“By overturning Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court has now officially given politicians permission to control what we do with our bodies, deciding that we can no longer be trusted to determine the course for our own lives. This dangerous and chilling decision can have devastating consequences in Ohio, forcing people to travel hundreds, sometimes thousands, of miles for care or remain pregnant.”

Kersha Deibel, CEO and President of Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio Region says the court’s judgment is a shock and infuriating to witness.

“This news comes as no shock but is infuriating to witness. This decision does not represent the needs of the people where 80% of Americans support access to abortion care. We will continue to fight for abortion because abortion is health care and health care is a human right. This changes nothing for us at this moment. We will continue to open our doors, continue to see our patients, continue to connect patients to resources, and continue to take care of those who need us. No matter what.”

>>Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade

Lauren Blauvelt-Copelin Vice President of Government Affairs and Public Advocacy of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio says “it’s a dark day for our country.”

“The Court, now dominated by justices hostile to our freedoms, has failed us all. Knowing it was coming does not make this moment any less devastating. The Court has especially failed Black, Latino, Indigenous, and other people of color who are disproportionately harmed by abortion bans, including the more than 30 restrictions signed into state law within the last 10 years, due to this country’s legacy of racism and discrimination.

It is a dark day for our country, but this is far from over. We will not compromise on our bodies, our dignity, or our freedom. Ohioans should know that Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio will always fight for you, and we will not back down. Together, we will rebuild and reclaim our freedom.”

>>Ohio Lawmakers Reaction to SCOTUS Abortion Case