
Ohio to start age 12 to 15 vaccinations ‘immediately’ following recommendations expected Wednesday


Gov. Mike DeWine pledged to quickly begin vaccinations for children age 12 to 15 after the FDA announced its emergency use authorization for Pfizer’s vaccine in that age group Monday.

Before the shots can begin in the youngest age group yet, Ohio will await a recommendation from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices and the CDC, DeWine said. Then, “Ohio will immediately expand vaccine eligibility to youth ages 12-15 and provide appropriate guidelines for parents, guardians, and vaccine providers across the state,” DeWine said in a statement Monday evening.

Charles Patterson, Clark County Health Commissioner, told WHIO Monday evening, that department plans to offer Pfizer doses to that younger age group as part of its ongoing clinics, once approved.

According to the FDA’s statement on the emergency use authorization Monday, this would be the same Pfizer dose and regimen as those used for people age 16 and older – with two doses taken three weeks apart.

The health district is also planning to reach out to schools – despite the approaching end of the school year.

“We’re talking with schools,” Patterson said. “Some of them have already invited us to come back in, even though the second dose will be after school’s out, to come in and make those available to their students.”

Patterson said the vaccinations in children age 12 to 15 figures to cut down on asymptomatic transmission in that age group – particularly to older people.

“We’re asking the parents to consider having the children vaccinated,” he said.

Some are not convinced, though.

“I think they’re nuts,” said Brookville parent of a child In the soon-to-be-approved age group, speaking about parents considering vaccinating their child. “My daughter won’t be having it.”

Meanwhile, Dionne Maclin, from Dayton, who does not plan to get a shot herself, does support the decision to get a shot in her daughter and grandchildren.

“For her safety, she wants to be vaccinated,” Maclin said of her daughter. “She wants to travel and go places, so, I support her decision.”