Oregon District Shooting

UD professor honored for work with FBI task force following Oregon District mass shooting


DAYTON — A University of Dayton professor has been recognized for working with an FBI joint terrorism task force team.

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Scott Hall has helped identify and mitigate violent extremism in the wake of the Oregon District mass shooting since 2019, a University spokesperson said.

“I’m honored to be recognized by an incredible group of professionals who have allowed me to assist with their efforts over the past four years,” said Scott Hall, coordinator of UD’s clinical mental health counseling program. “I’m also grateful to lend my perspective to try and keep our communities safe and hope to continue into the future.”

The Cincinnati FBI field office nominated Hall for the FBI’s Director’s Community Award.

“Dr. Hall has been a key partner for the FBI Cincinnati Field Office over the past four years. His expertise and network of contacts in the field of mental health at UD and beyond has been invaluable,” said Michael Herwig, FBI supervisory special agent. “The FBI and local law enforcement recognize that we cannot arrest our way out of the threat of extremism and targeted violence. Forming partnerships in the community as we have with Dr. Hall, and providing resources and education, are now important parts of the FBI’s efforts to keep Americans safe.”

Hall also received the 2021 FBI Director’s Community Leadership Award this March because of the COVID-19 pandemic and continues his work with the FBI today as a member of Dayton’s joint terrorism task force.