
Price for airfare at local airport on the rise

DAYTON — Prices for food, gas, and shipping have continued to rise in the county.

The next time you fly through the Dayton International Airport, you’ll notice a similar price hike for a ticket.

In a recent report from Cheapair.com, the Dayton International Airport has had the highest price increase since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Passengers are paying 42% more now than they would have this time last year.

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No matter where passengers fly from, the 1 million people who fly with five airlines are seeing a price hike.

Delta Airlines recently announced that it will soon be cutting 100 flights per day starting July 1 until August 7 as part of improving operations for not only customers but employees as well.

Delta says they want to scale back and adjust to these changes due to staffing problems, air traffic control, and weather-relead issues.

On top of these issues, Delta says the overall problem they face is a pilot shortage.

The Federal Aviation Administration says in 2021, there were close to 5,000 Airline Transport Pilot certificates given with hopes of doubling that number in 2022.