Prostitution arrest made in undercover sting at Washington Twp. massage parlor

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WASHINGTON TWP., Montgomery County — A Columbus woman is in the Montgomery County Jail facing two prostitution related charges after she was arrested during an undercover sting at the Gypsophila Asian Spa on Lyons Road.

Fu Yulian, 51, was arrested Tuesday afternoon at the business, 761 Lyons Rd., and charged Thursday. She’s in jail on $127,000 bond, records show.

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According to a warrant affidavit, deputies were alerted to possible illegal activity at the business a year ago by an anti-human trafficking organization, but very little information was provided by the caller. A second complaint came from another person in August this year.

“The complainant identified suspicious activity which the affiant believes is consistent with human trafficking operations,” the affidavit read. “Such as a heavy tinted front entrance, limited “business-type” furnishing, suspicious male only clients seen frequenting the business during late hours.”

The sheriff’s office watched the business several times and “observed suspicious activity as described by the second complainant.”

Tuesday a confidential informant went to the business during an undercover operation by the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office RANGE Task Force.

During the operation, deputies said Yulian encouraged the informant to perform a sex act on himself for an additional tip of $40.

According to an affidavit, the informant went to the business for a deep tissue massage. During the massage, he laid down on the massage table and was massage around his private areas and also was touched on his privates multiple times.

The RANGE Task Force then raided the business and arrested Yulian.