Recreational marijuana is now legal in Ohio, but there’s nowhere to buy it

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It’s day one of recreational marijuana in Ohio, and people are already showing up trying to buy it, but that won’t happen for a while.

News Center 7′s Kayla McDermott talked to a medicinal dispensary that has plans to apply to sell recreationally once they can. Watch on News Center 7 beginning at 6 p.m.

>> Ohio Senate bill would permit medical marijuana shops to sell legal, recreational pot

“I feel really great. Unfortunately, a lot of patients can’t purchase recreation,” said Jacob Baker, patient consultant at Terrasana Medical Marijuana Dispensary.

The medicinal dispensary where Baker works is going to apply to sell recreationally.

“Recreation provides a lot of opportunities for them to try products to see if this is really going to help,” Baker said.

>> State lawmakers proposing changes to Issue 2

Baker says applying has to do more with helping people, rather than more competition moving in as dispensaries are created.

“Recreation provides a lot of outreach, but that’s not to say that other dispensaries who might also just be medical won’t get more business,” Baker said.

Currently, multiple cities in the Miami Valley have moratoriums in place blocking dispensaries from being built.

Ohio lawmakers are making new proposals to change Issue 2 nearly every week.

>> 3 local cities temporarily stopping parts of Issue 2

Governor Mike DeWine is pushing for a plan that would allow medical dispensaries to sell immediately.

“People will be getting it from many sources, none of them legally. The consumption will go up. People will be able to use it, but they won’t be able to legally buy it anywhere. We don’t need an expanding black market,” DeWine said.

Baker said he would probably advise DeWine not to rush it. He is also not sure there is enough supply for such a quick demand.

“It does take a lot of time to grow the plants,” Baker said.

Baker said their timeline is more geared toward next year to begin sales once the ODC creates its regulations.

Baker said people have been coming in asking to buy recreationally since Issue 2 was passed. He said he has had at least 20 people asking to buy without a medical card and they are turned away.