
Risk for strain on health system prompts increase in COVID-19 risk level in Greene County


GREENE COUNTY — Greene County Public Health says there is now a high transmission risk level for COVID-19 in the county.

Based on the number of new COVID-19 admissions and the percent of staffed inpatient beds that are occupied, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has determined that that there is a “potential for strain on the health system.” Due to the risk, the CDC and Greene County Public Health have upgraded the county’s COVID-19 community level from “Medium” to “High.”

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Under the new health level, residents are recommended to wear a mask indoors in public, regardless of vaccinations status. This recommendation includes K-12 schools and other indoor community settings.

Those who are immunocompromised or at high risk for severe disease are recommended to wear masks or respirator, as well as to avoid non-essential indoor activities in public.

Greene County Public Health encourages people to continue practicing thorough handwashing and social distancing.

Anyone who tests positive is asked to report it by email to cdrs@gcph.info.

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Public Health officials are reminding residents that free COVID-19 test kits are available to order at http://www.covidtests.gov. They are also available for pickup at the local fairs and festivals in Greene County, as well as at any branch of the Greene County Public Library.

For questions or additional information, please contact GCPH at 937-374-5600 or email covid19@gcph.info.