
Chanel Miller, survivor in Brock Turner assault, makes Time magazine’s 100 Next list


Her victim-impact statement in court went viral, and now Chanel Miller has made Time magazine’s 100 Next for advocating for sexual assault survivors.

“An artist and writer and only 27 years old, Chanel will make many more beautiful things. She will make the world a better place, and she will make all of us a bit better,” professor Christine Blasey Ford wrote about Miller in Time magazine’s 100 Next list.

>> Chanel Miller comes forward in new book, reveals name and face

Miller was sexually assaulted in 2015 by Brock Turner. As “Emily Doe,” she delivered a powerful impact statement at his sentencing that went viral. The judge then sentenced Turner, an Oakwood native, to six months in jail.

He was released after three months, and is now registered as a Tier III sex offender in Greene County.

Miller released a memoir “Know my Name” about the incident in September and appeared on 60 minutes.

>> Brock Turner registers in Greene County as Tier III sex offender

>> Brock Turner loses appeal of sexual assault conviction

The Time 100 Next are in five categories —artists, advocates, leaders, phenoms and innovators.

“They are eager to defy the odds and fight for a better future,” according to a Time article on how the 100 were chosen.