
Son of Riverside homicide victim remains missing; family says children miss their sibling


MONTGOMERY COUNTY — Nearly one year after her husband was shot and killed in front of his three children, Candice Caldwell is speaking out.

Two people remain in jail on charges related to Robert Caldwell’s death, and his son, 14-year-old Jacob, remains missing after witnessing the homicide.

Candice and Robert had two children together, and he had three children from a prior marriage. Candice Caldwell said her kids miss their brother.

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“It tears me apart that they’re building this relationship with their other sibling and Jacob is not here. We love him so much,” she said.

She said she prays Jacob is safe. Police have said they believe he’s staying with someone.

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“I don’t wish bad upon anyone, but you can’t go be mad at someone and take their life and take them away from their wife and kids,” Caldwell said. “That’s not OK.”

Two suspects remain behind bars. Tawney Caldwell is in jail on a weapons charge in Champaign County, and Sterling Roberts is in a South Carolina jail on charges related to firing at a sheriff’s deputy.

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