Crime And Law

Sheriff: Divers to resume Ohio River search for James Hutchinson after conditions improve


MIDDLETOWN — A search for the bodies of two boys, including James Hutchinson, who were disposed in the Ohio River was suspended Wednesday after a “target of interest” was located in the river.

>>PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Timeline: How the investigation into James Hutchinson’s death unfolded

Multiple agencies searched the Ohio River in Lawrenceburg, Indiana as part of the search for Hutchinson, the 6-year-old Middletown boy, and Nylo Lattimore, a 3-year-old Cincinnati boy who investigators said was also thrown into the river in December.

During the search Wednesday, no bodies were recovered, Preble County Sheriff Mike Simpson said.

Simpson clarified with News Center 7 that searchers have not put “actual eyes” on a body yet and that it is too early to confirm whether or not it is a body at this time.

“Teams will continue to monitor the weather and river conditions over the next few days and will return as soon as they can safely do so,” Simpson said in a media release. “Divers still face difficult conditions on the river. Our efforts will continue as soon as possible.”

Sonar technology used by Boone County Water Rescue and the Hamilton County Police Association Team alerted authorities to an area of the river near the Carroll Cropper Bridge near the Ohio-Indiana border.

“There was a target of interest that we felt important to fully review,” said Michael Gmoser, Butler County Prosecutor.

>>RELATED: Trial dates set for mother, boyfriend charged in James Hutchinson’s death

Authorities have been searching this same area for the body of Hutchinson, near the area where investigators said his mother disposed of his body.

“We had a high level of confidence that this target would be the remains of a human being,” Gmoser said. “Under the circumstances, I and my staff wanted to be present with the hopes that that would pan out.”

A body has not been recovered at this time, however there are still additional areas that need searched.

>>RELATED: Butler Co. Children Services had no prior contact with James Hutchinson’s family, prosecutors say

Middletown Police said boats were down in the area today and investigators were looking to potentially put divers into the water. Preble County Sheriff’s deputies also were at the scene this afternoon.

Gmoser said divers ultimately did go into the water, which he described as murky and moving at a dangerous speed.

“They are risking their lives to bring this to some conclusion,” he said.

>>PREVIOUS REPORT: Recovery efforts for James Hutchinson suspended due to Ohio River levels

High river levels have been one of the issues hampering the recovery efforts after Hutchinson’s body was thrown into the river from the I-275 bridge. Search efforts have been suspended multiple times after heavy rains and snow melt brought the river levels above flood stage.

>>RELATED: Mother, boyfriend accused in death of 6-year-old indicted on 31 felonies

Investigators allege Hutchinson’s mother, Brittany Gosney, 29, of Middletown, was responsible for the boy’s death. Previously, police said Gosney drove Hutchinson and his two siblings to Rush Run Wildlife Area in Preble County in the early morning hours of Feb. 27 to abandon them at the park.

According to investigative records, Gosney said she intended to abandon the children after feeling pressure from her boyfriend, James Hamilton, 42, to do so.

While trying to leave the children, Hutchinson grabbed ahold of the vehicle as Gosney tried to drive away, which led to the boy’s death. Police said Gosney and Hamilton then drove the boy’s body to Lawrenceburg about a day later and disposed of it into the river.

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Gosney and Hamilton were indicted by a Butler County grand jury on 31 combined charges. Gosney faces 16 charges including murder, involuntary manslaughter, tampering with evidence, child endangering, kidnapping and gross abuse of a corpse. Hamilton faces 15 charges including, kidnapping, gross abuse of a corpse, child endangering, tampering with evidence and abduction.

The couple made court appearances earlier this week with bond set at $2 million for Gosney and $750,000 for Hamilton. Trial dates have preliminary been set for May 24.