
Students speak out against school district’s proposal to move JROTC program


DAYTON — Some parents are concerned about the future of their children’s Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Army (ROTC) program.

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As reported on News Center 7 at 5:00, the Dayton School Board discussed moving the program from Meadow Career Technology Center to Paul Laurence Dunbar High School during its meeting Tuesday night.


Parents and students who attended said they like the program the way it is.

“I stand here today and I beg you to hear me. Please do not take the JROTC program away from Meadowdale and my son,” Jeannie Green said.

Mom and ex-army wife, Jeannie Green, is proud of her son Zachary and the man he’s becoming.

She gives some of the credit to the JROTC program at Meadowdale.

“My son is living, walking proof of the success of the JROTC program at Meadowdale,” Green said.

Dayton Public Schools leadership proposed moving the program due to scheduling issues.

“To say it’s a schedule issue is ridiculous. It’s just an excuse,” Green said.

Three Medowdale students and ROTC cadets begged the school board to keep the program the way it is.

“This program shaped me into the leader I am today, and I strongly urge you to keep the program at Meadowdale,” ROTC cadet Arthur Thomas said.

“It helps motivate me when I wake up and get dressed to go to school, participate and do my stuff,” ROTC cadet Zachary Green said.

“It has taught me discipline, leadership, teamwork, and responsibility,” ROTC cadet Brandon Wadsworth said.

DPS Superintendent Davis Lawrence, who served in the army, supports the JROTC and wants the program in the building where it can serve students best.

“It helps you become organized. It’s a tough thing for adults. Even tougher for kids,” Lawrence said.

In the end, the school board voted to keep the JROTC program at Meadowdale.

The program will stay put for the school year, and the school board said it will consider expanding the JROTC program to other schools in the district.

News Center 7 will continue to follow this story.

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