
Superman Sammy: 3-year-old with rare heart condition gets transplant


CINCINNATI — A three-year-old born with a very rare birth defect has received a new heart.

News Center 7 first introduced you to ‘Superman Sammy’ in February, as he geared up to watch the Bengals play in the Super Bowl from his hospital bed.

Sammy Jones was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and has had four previous open-heart surgeries.

>> PREVIOUS REPORTING: Superman Sammy: 3-year-old won’t let rare heart disease stop him

He was kept alive by a machine known as a Berlin Heart, which takes over the function of his heart.

Because of this, Jones had to constantly be near his hospital bed, but that could soon change.

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On April 3 his Father, Garland Jones, posted on the family’s Facebook group “Super Sammy’s Heart Journey” that Sammy was getting a heart transplant.

Sammy received his new heart at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, but he is from Huber Heights.

His father posted in the group on April 4 saying that Sammy is off the Berlin Heart and on a bypass machine.

Sammy is just days away from his fourth birthday.