
Suspicious bag causes election officials to move Ohio polling place


CINCINNATI — Officials shut down a polling location in Ohio on Tuesday after finding a suspicious backpack outside, according to our media partners WCPO-9 TV.

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The incident occurred at the Church of the Redeemer on Erie Avenue in Hyde Park.


According to WCPO-9, poll workers contacted the Hamilton County Board of Elections and police after they found the backpack.

“The poll workers made the right call,” Deputy Director of Elections Alex Linser said.

Voters who were inside at the time finished filling out their ballots outside of the building, WCPO-9 reported.

Voters in Cincinnati precincts 4B and 4G will now go to Knox Presbyterian Church on Michigan Avenue to cast their votes.

WLWT-5 reports that a bomb squad was called to the scene.

Officials cleared the bag around 5:30 p.m. and said there was no longer a threat.

The Board of Elections has staff at the Church of Redeemer redirecting voters to the new location.

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