
‘This is not ok;’ Kindergartner comes home from school bus ride covered in blood, mother says

DAYTON — A local mother says her five-year-old daughter got off of a Dayton school bus bleeding badly from her head, and now she’s demanding answers.

She also says her daughter was let off the school bus with no adult present and walked a half block home with her sister trying to help.

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Marina Davis said her 4th-grade daughter had blood all over her hands from trying to put pressure on her five-year-old sister’s scalp that had a deep injury.

Davis had to line up transportation to get five-year-old Lyric to the hospital and doctor’s care.

“They were asking me, ‘Where did she fall at?’ Because the way the gash is, it looks like she may have slid her head across something, she did have bruising on her face,” Davis said.

Davis believes her daughter was hurt badly enough to need six stitches during an abrupt stop by the bus’s driver. She believes the driver may have been going too fast.

Davis claims she is not getting any answers. She approached her daughter’s driver and recorded a conversation from the bottom of the bus steps, and she then went to the transportation center, the district’s bus lot, and asked to see video from her daughter’s trip.

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The school district confirmed they are investigating a bus trip home involving a student at Charity Adams Earley Academy.

“It appears that the student fell asleep on the bus on the way home from school and hit her head, prompting the need for medical attention. The safety of all students is our utmost priority and we take all reported concerns very seriously,” DPS Superintendent Dr. Lawrence said in a statement.

Davis said her daughter doesn’t want to get back on the bus and she says she doesn’t want to make her because she feels like no one seems concerned a child suffered a head injury and was let off the bus, early, with no adult there to check on her.

“We are trusting as a parent, I’m putting my child’s life in your hand and you don’t care,” Davis said.

The district says they will provide more answers when the investigation is complete.

Right now, the 5-year-old is going to daycare instead of school and Davis just wants a different driver on her daughter’s route.

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