Fourth of July celebrations continue despite storm threat

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FAIRBORN — People did not let the threat of storms stop their Fourth of July plans Thursday.

As reported on News Center 7 at 11, some worried incoming storms would impact their city’s fireworks show.

>> LIST: Find local fireworks displays in the Miami Valley

Stephanie Peter Angelo was glad to see the fireworks in Fairborn continue as planned.

She’s lived in Fairborn for over 20 years and comes to Community Park every Fourth of July — rain or shine.

>> LIST: Find local fireworks displays in the Miami Valley

Some, like Chloe Capps, came prepared.

“We got some chairs, got some umbrellas. We’re good.” Capps said.

Bethany Grant said she wasn’t worried even if it did rain.

“I’m not worried about it, a little rain won’t hurt even if it starts. I’m looking forward to it. I think it’ll be a great day for all activities,” she said.

She was glad to be there to celebrate America.

“I think for me, patriotism, freedom is an everyday thing. Just waking up knowing that I’m in a place that I can pretty much do whatever, go wherever,” Grant said.