Tipp Monroe Services collecting school supplies for children in need

Tipp Monroe Community Services is collecting school supplies for children in need.

Book bags and school supplies donated are given out at the annual Lunch On Us Pizza Party held on the last day of the program, Aug. 16.

Last year, TMCS gave away 96 book bags and more than 200 children received supplies.

>> RELATED: Lunch On Us provides free meals to Tipp City, Monroe Township children

Donations can be dropped off at 3 E. Main St., Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, call 937-667-8631.

The following school supplies are needed: pencil bags, pencil boxes, color pencils, red pens, black pens, markers, washable markers, dry erase markers, highlighters, crayons, large pink erasers, pencil sharpeners, Elmer’s glue, glue sticks, five-inch scissors (blunt and sharp), seven-inch scissors, loose leaf paper (wide ruled and college ruled), protractors, flash drives, scientific calculators, index cards, notebook dividers, White Out tape, disinfectant wipes, post it notes, tissues, permanent markers and folders (with and without tabs inside).