
Well-known Dayton-area pizza restaurant announces ‘going-out-of-business sale’

Well-known Dayton pizza restaurant announces going-out-of-business sale

HARRISON TWP. — El Greco’s Pizza Villa, known for its Taco Tuesday, square-cut pizza and red wall carpet, announced it will have a going-out-of-business sale Friday beginning at noon.

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“Well, we held on as long as we could folks, but this just isn’t sustainable for us,” a statement read from the restaurant’s Facebook page Thursday night. “Maybe we can come back when things normalize, nothing is written in stone.”

Everything on the menu is half-off. Tacos are $1 each with a 20 limit per order.

No closing date was announced but the sale is good while supplies last, according to El Greco’s Facebook post.

The post did not specify whether the store is closing because of the new mandates given to restaurants amid the coronavirus pandemic.

They are still under mandated order to not allow dine-in orders.

“In order to stay safe, we will only allow five customers in the store at one time,” according to a post on El Greco’s Facebook page. “If you have to wait outside, please keep six feet between you and others.”

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El Greco’s is located at 3976 Salem Avenue in Harrison Twp.

The business originally started in the 1950s or 1960s.