
Ohio woman arrested for trying to lure 4-year-old boy, impersonating CPS agent

CINCINNATI — A woman was arrested and accused of trying to lure a 4-year-old boy from his home.

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Lisa Nacrelli, 44, was arrested and charged with child enticement after a Norwood family accused her of attempting to take the child home with her, WCPO reported. The accusations were supported by surveillance footage that the family set up near and around the home.

“Mommy, mommy, there’s some lady here that wants to talk to you,” the son told her mom, Jaimie Spradlin recalled.

When Spradlin, the mother, went back to surveillance footage, she captured Nacrelli telling her, “My name is Lisa, I’m from CPS,” (also known as Child Protective Services).

“She shows me a badge that says her name,” Spradlin said. “She proceeds to rattle off my children’s names.”

Nacrelli reportedly asked Spradlin if she could come into the house for an inspection and that she was there because someone filed a complaint against them. During their interaction, however, Nacrelli failed to leave any contact information, which left Spradlin and her husband suspicious of the encounter.

The family looked at the surveillance video and found that Nacrelli was touching their son for minutes, putting her arm around him, as well as stroking his hair.

“It creeps us out a little bit, it’s gut-wrenching,” Tim Spradlin, the boy’s father, said.

“I’m absolutely sick to my stomach,” Jaimie Spradlin said.

After having a visceral reaction to Nacrelli’s behavior, the parents checked with Child Protective Services to find out that the woman was not employed by the department.

“Everything was a lie, and now we’re sitting here on top of being enraged that this even happened, terrified because I don’t know what her plan was,” Jaimie Spradlin said. “I know that she told my son that she has a black vehicle and that there’s a really pretty car seat in it for him.”

The woman asked their son to come home with her on three different occasions, the family said.

It was later confirmed that Nacrelli lived blocks away from the Spradlin family.

It is currently unknown if the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services would file a complaint against the woman for allegedly impersonating a CPS employee.