Woman shoplifts from New Carlisle store, leads deputies on chase, crashes into tree


A woman was taken to a hospital after shoplifting from a Dollar General, leading deputies on a chase and then crashing into a tree.

The woman was reportedly shoplifting from the store, 415 N. Main St. in New Carlisle, when deputies responded around 10:15 a.m. and made contact with her, Sgt. Ronnie Lemen of the Clark County Sheriff’s Office said. While deputies were gathering information, the woman jumped into her vehicle and started it.

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She then began to assault a deputy who attempted to reach into her vehicle to turn off the ignition, the sergeant said. While the deputy’s arm was lodged in the steering wheel, the woman fled, almost striking another deputy. The deputy was not injured, Lemen said.

Deputies then pursued the vehicle for a short distance before it crashed in the area of North Dayton-Lakeview and Marquart roads, Lemen said.

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The woman’s identity and condition is unknown at this time, and what charges she may face.

This incident remains under investigation.