
Road rage confrontation ends with local woman shot in head


DAYTON — Road rage leads to a woman being shot in the head.

As reported during News Center 7 at 6 p.m. a police report details the moments leading up to the shooting

On Jan. 21 a couple was driving together on Woodley Drive in Dayton when they got in a road rage incident with a white sedan, according to the police report.

The driver of the white sedan fired rounds into the couple’s car hitting a woman in the head.

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The next day officers stopped 19-year-old Jayden Matthews near where the shooting was.

Matthews was driving a white Ford Fusion and had a gun on him.

An analysis found that this gun matched the weapon used to shoot the woman, the police report states.

The woman also showed officers a video of a white Ford Fusion that matched Matthew’s following her and her boyfriend before the shooting.

Matthews was arrested and booked into Montgomery County Jail.

He was arranged Monday on charges of felonious assault and discharge of a firearm near a prohibited premises.

His bond is set at $250, 000.

News Center 7 will continue to follow this story.