
WPAFB downgrades health protection level; What it means

WPAFB Wright-Patterson Air Force Base is located in Greene and Montgomery counties and is the Dayton region's largest employer. (HANDOUT)

WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE — Wright-Patterson Air Force Base is dropping its COVID-19 situation to HPCON Bravo+, which is a step below HPCON Charlie.

The base has been in HPCON Charlie since Feb. 11, after hospitalizations across the state began to drop following the previous surge of COVID-19 omicron cases.

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In a video announcing the change, Col. Pat Miller, 88th ABW Commander, said the base was able to make the change to HPCON Bravo+ due to the continue decline in cases, test positivity rates and hospitalizations. As of Thursday, Ohio reported 1,321 new cases and 151 new hospitalizations. Both numbers were below the 21-day average.

The new health protection level allows the base to have up to 40 percent occupancy, Miller announced. Previously, only 25 percent occupancy was authorized under HPCON Charlie.

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Additionally, Miller said there will be a transition from a “red base” to a “green base,” meaning there won’t be a need to submit an exception for travel.

We’ll continue to update this story as we learn more.