
Wright-Patt to require masks for unvaccinated personnel; not returning fully in-person just yet


Wright-Patterson Air Force Base will not return all its personnel to work in-person just yet, but it could happen within a matter of weeks, base leaders said Wednesday.

Col. Patrick Miller, Wright-Patt installation commander, said Wednesday, the base will remain at health protection condition bravo, which means up to 50 percent of personnel report to work in person on base.

Col. Miller said, though, he expects within the next month, that could change.

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In the meantime, Wright-Patt, following Department of Defense and Air Force guidance, will require masks only for unvaccinated personnel, and all personnel in certain specific locations.

“I trust you,” Col. Miller said when asked how base leadership will know whether someone is vaccinated or not. “I trust you to make the right call. If you are not vaccinated, you’re required to wear a mask.”

Miller said Wright-Patt is currently reporting a 62 percent vaccination rate among its active duty personnel, although he expects that number is actually higher, with some personnel getting vaccinated away from the base.

With a public health emergency still in place, but COVID numbers on base significantly decreased – often times, zero cases in a day, Miller said – he urged the Wright-Patt community to get vaccinated and continue following health guidance.

“We’re not out of this fight yet,” he said, “And we need each and every one of you in it every day.”