Swing states tell Supreme Court to toss out Texas election challenge

Four states targeted by a GOP lawsuit backed by President Donald Trump fired back at the state of Texas on Thursday, telling the Supreme Court in a series of legal briefs that Texas has no business telling another state how to conduct its elections.

“The Court should not abide this seditious abuse of the judicial process, and should send a clear and unmistakable signal that such abuse must never be replicated,” state of Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro wrote.

“Texas’s claims are no different than the multiple cases pressed in state and federal courts in Georgia over the past weeks,” said Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr, who reportedly got an earful directly from the President about his opposition to the Texas case.

“This Court should deny Texas’s motions,” the state of Georgia - and its Republican leadership - concluded.

The arguments were much the same in legal pleadings from Wisconsin and Michigan, telling Texas and other GOP Attorneys General to butt out.

“Texas’s claims have no merit,” wrote Wisconsin Attorney General Joshua Kaul.

“Texas proposes an extraordinary intrusion into Wisconsin’s and the other defendant States’ elections,” Kaul added.

“The challenge here is an unprecedented one, without factual foundation or a valid legal basis,” said Dana Nessel, Michigan’s Attorney General.

As for President Trump, he continued to make evidence-free claims of election fraud from the White House on Twitter.

“Most corrupt Election in history, by far,” the President tweeted on Thursday. “We won!!!”