Teen drivers one of Ohio’s most at-risk groups

Teen drivers

The leading cause of death in teens is motor vehicle crashes.

In Ohio from 2015 to 2017, teen drivers were involved in 135, 882 traffic crashes and 15 percent of those crashes contributed to an action on the part of the teen driver, according to a release. Crashes where teen drivers were at fault resulted in 285 fatalities and 41,917 injuries.

“Poor decisions while driving can stay with teen drivers for the rest of their lives,” said Lt. Arnold, Hamilton Post Commander. “That’s why responsibility, awareness and safety are so important for our youngest drivers.”

According to the National Highway Safety Administration, teens whose parents impose driving restrictions and set good examples typically engage in less risky driving and are involved in fewer crashes.

National Teen Driving Safety Week is Oct. 21 through 27, the perfect time for parents and teens to discuss responsible driving habits, and for teens to plan ahead when traveling to avoid rushing, read the release.

For a statistical map regarding teen drivers and a county-by-county breakdown of where Patrol citations have been issued to at fault teens, visit the Traffic Safety Bulletin.