State And Regional

Local zoo announces name for baby okapi

Baby okapi Baby okapi (Cincinnati Zoo Facebook)
(Cincinnati Zoo Facebook)

CINCINNATI — The Cincinnati Zoo announced the name of their one-week-old baby okapi.

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The okapi has been named Mokonzi, which is Lingala for prince, king, or position of honor, according to a social media post by the zoo.

Okapis are native to the Democratic Republic of Congo and Lingala is a major language spoken there.

On Sunday, Dec. 17, the zoo’s okapi Kuvua gave birth after a 15-month-long gestation, according to another social media post.

“The calf is strong and looks healthy!” the post said.

At five days old, zoo veterinarians conducted a neonatal exam and determined Mokonzi was a male.

Okapis are currently endangered species, according to the zoo’s website.

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“Each okapi birth is significant for the conservation of this unique and rare species,” the post said.

These mammals can live up to 16 years and grow 8 feet tall. They are relatives of the giraffe, according to the zoo’s website.