State And Regional

More than 100 dogs found dead in home of Ohio dog shelter’s founding operator

Abandoned dogs (wilton mitsuo miwa/Getty Images/iStockphoto)
(wilton mitsuo miwa/Getty Images/iStockphoto)

PORTAGE COUNTY — An investigation of an Ohio home led to the discovery of more than 100 dead dogs Friday.

On Friday, June 16, the Portage Animal Protective League’s investigators executed a search warrant at a home after they received a tip that the owner was facing animal cruelty charges, according to a release.

The homeowner was known to be a founding member of the non-profit animal rescue Canine Lifeline, Inc.

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When humane agents entered the home they found 146 dogs dead. No dogs were found alive.

Most dogs were found within their crates.

An autopsy will be done on the dogs to determine their cause of death, Portage Animal Protective League said.

Further information was not available.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Humane Agent Holly Ebner at