State And Regional

New poll shows Ohio voters favor passage of contested issues on November ballot

OHIO — Early voting has begun in Ohio and new data shows that Ohioans are favoring the passage of two major statewide issues, according to Baldwin Wallace University’s research institute.

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An Ohio Pulse Poll was conducted by the university that shows both Issue 1 and Issue 2 would pass if the election was held today.

The BW Community Research Institute (BW CRI) has surveyed Ohioans before asking for their opinions on gun control and to rate the 2024 statewide primary candidates.

This time, 850 Ohioans were surveyed on how they would vote on Issue 1 and Issue 2, which are both on November’s ballot.

Issue 1 would “establish in the Constitution of the State of Ohio an individual right to one’s own reproductive medical treatment, including but not limited to abortion;” according to the ballot language.

The BW CRI Ohio Pulse Poll shows that 58% of likely voters favor the passage of Issue 1.

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Furthermore, the Issue is favored by 89% of Democrats, 39% of Republicans, and 51% of independents, according to the poll’s results.

65% of parents, 54% of gun owners, and 37% of evangelicals support Issue 1. Only 8% of respondents were undecided, according to the results.

Issue 2 would be the legalization of recreational use of marijuana and for it to be regulated like alcohol.

A similar majority was found while surveying Ohioans on this Issue.

57% of likely voters said they plan to vote “yes” on Issue 2. 7% of respondents were undecided, according to the poll’s results.

The survey found that various political groups support Issue 2. 66% of Democrats, 50% of Republicans, and 59% of independents, according to the results.

70% of parents and 71% of respondents ages 18-49 support the Issue.

47% of self-identified evangelicals and 47% of respondents 50 years old, support Issue 2, according to the poll’s results.

“The majorities of respondents in these demographics favoring Issue 1 and Issue 2 indicate a strong likelihood of a majority vote for both ballot issues in November,” political science professor and director of the BW CRI Tom Sutton said.

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The BW CRI survey also expects voter turnout for the November election to be high.

67% of survey respondents said they were going to vote on November 7, while 18% said they might vote, according to the survey.

18% of the survey respondents said they would cast a ballot by mail and 26% would be voting early in-person.

“Issue 1 and Issue 2 are personal for many Ohioans, which means that we can expect voter turnout will be much higher than usual for an off-year election only involving voting for local offices,” Sutton said.

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