Florida firefighters treat 83-year-old Army veteran for heat exhaustion, mow his lawn

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FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — A group of Florida first responders morphed into an impromptu lawn crew after treating a 83-year-old man for heat exhaustion and then finishing mowing his yard.

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Prince Pinkney was mowing Monday when he started to feel sick and his leg, which never fully recovered from a stroke, gave out, WSVN reported.

“He slipped, he just fell,” wife Rebecca Pinkney said. “I had him by the arm, but I couldn’t hold him up.”

A person passing by saw the couple struggling and called for help.

A crew from Fort Lauderdale Fire Rescue was at the scene within minutes. They treated Prince Pinkney and then finished trimming the yard.

“I think we can cut their lawn while we’re doing this,” Fort Lauderdale Fire Rescue Lt. Matthew Wells said.

The crew came by hours later to check on the Pinkneys.

Prince Pinkney served in the Army and was a missile technician during the Vietnam War, WSVN reported. The couple said they usually pay someone to mow their lawn, but that person has not been around lately.

“Their story is amazing in itself,” Capt. Terry Maylor said. “Their age, what they’ve gone through, his history as a veteran serving this country. If that doesn’t move you to go ahead and do what you’re capable of, then nothing will.”