
Russia attacks Ukraine: UN court orders Russia to stop invasion

The highest United Nations court has told the Kremlin to stop the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

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The Associated Press reported before the ruling that it is unknown if Russia would comply with the International Court of Justice order.

Moscow skipped a hearing that was scheduled last week where Ukraine said Russia was “resorting to tactics reminiscent of medieval siege warfare.”

Ukraine had accused Russia of violating the 1948 Genocide Convention when the Kremlin accused Ukraine of committing genocide and using that as the reason for the invasion, the AP reported.

In the order, the ICJ said that “the Russian Federation shall immediately suspend the special military operations it commenced on Feb. 24.”

If Russia does not obey the ICJ order, the court could ask the U.N. Security Council to step in. Russia, however, holds veto power on the Security Council.

The presiding judge said the court is “profoundly” concerned about the invasion, Reuters reported.

“The court is acutely aware of the extent of the human tragedy that is taking place in Ukraine. The court is profoundly concerned about the use of force by the Russian Federation in Ukraine which raises very serious issues of international law,” presiding judge Joan Donoghue said, according to Reuters.

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Twitter after the court issued its ruling that “Ukraine gained a complete victory in its case against Russia.”

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