
Too-real Halloween decorations prompt neighborhood 911 calls

A California couple has nailed it in their efforts to create a spooky scene in the spirit of Halloween.

Carmen and Travis Long, of Riverside, have decorated their home with a “Pirates of the Caribbean” theme for three years.

“We’ve been adding things every year,” Carmen Long told KABC. “It started with just skeletons, then we added a cannon in the back and the ship, the pretend fire on the side.”

It’s the fake fire that has prompted passersby to call 911 and request firefighters multiple times. The lights and fog smoke look all too real.

The calls have been so frequent that firefighters in the area have learned they don’t have to check on the house while the homeowners turn on the display during weekend evenings.

According to Carmen Long, the couple enjoys entertaining neighbors with the display, and they decorate their home for Christmas too.

Riverside Wood Streets Pirates Themed Halloween House

The elaborate Halloween display caught the eye of passerby's and seemed so realistic, the Fire Department was called, but don't worry, it is just a really impressive display. Homeowners, Carmen and Travis have lived in the home for about 4-years, but have been in the Wood Streets for many more and enjoy being a part of the reputation the neighborhood has in the elaborate home and yard decorations they are known for around Halloween and Christmas seasons. They still have some additions to make to their "Pirates of the Caribbean" themed display, and hands down, one of the most impressive and realistic around. A must see for sure. It is located at the corner of Chapman and Magnolia in the City of Riverside and on display only Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights from 7pm-9pm. Please remember to obey all traffic laws, do not stop in the middle of the road and be courteous to neighbors. Safety First!

Posted by Riverside County Media on Saturday, October 3, 2020

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